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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Social bookmarking, link exchange and content.

As you are getting more used to blogging and/or building your online home business, you come across the same thing over and over again: everyone is looking for the same thing. Traffic, traffic and traffic.

There are many ways to drive traffic to a home page. Some involves logging in and using traffic generator or traffic exchange sites, some involve investing on keywords thru an Adsense campaign. Those options can give quick and very profitable results with the proper strategy. But, one of the downside of it is that you can completely miss the targeted audience with the snap of a finger. You do increase the amount of traffic, but the quality is just not there, poor results discourages many of them.

A business doesn’t build itself overnight. Another option, social bookmarking and link exchange, is very often overlooked by bloggers because it is not yielding an astronomical amount of hits overnight like a paid campaign can.

Blogging does not only involves writing posts and adding affiliate links and icons to your pages. Blogging involves reading other blogs, comment on other blogs and exchange links with other blogs. Social bookmarking, link exchanges and comments leaves backlinks towards your site along the way. Not only this technique helps your Page Rank, the following readers that come across the pages of each and every one you came across and commented/exchanged now have a chance to get to know about your site/blog. Over the course of a hundred different blogs, you would be surprized to know how many people saw your backlink on a daily basis.

Of course, the higher ranked pages will yield better results. And then again, some bloggers out there don’t even have a clue of how valuable a sidebar link or a comment on a popular post can benefit. Those links back to you will not disappear as long as the blog owner keeps it there. Best of all, its all free!

Cost: Your time spent socializing with other bloggers.

Very often, I come across exceptionnal individuals and exceptionnal blogs. The people I come across and their posts show me different point of views and angles. This very often brings me to add more content, more value to the readers. It brings more comments to each and every one of my following posts, more opportunities to exchange with bloggers. A snowball effect.

If any of you would link to exchange a link on your main page with me, you are welcome! :)

Happy blogging.


Unknown said...

Hello again.. I am having difficulties also finding traffic. How do we do a link exchange exactly? Is there an HTML code or something? How is your trading by the way..?

Frank said...

I have visited your blog. I see there are links on your blog sidebar. For example, your marketiva link.

The link exchange works the same way. We are just exchanging links between our blogs.

I put the link of your blog on my sidebar in exchange for a link to my blog from yours.

As for my trading I have taken a 7 weeks break and I am now looking to come back to trading in a few soon as I can gather funds. :)

I will create my own forex blog very soon. In about a week of time it should be up and running.

Take care.