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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Coming soon.

Today I have decided to tell what is up for next week.

First, I will create my very own Forex blog. I already found the blog title and I am also preparing my return to the forex market very soon. So I want to separate all about it from Making sense. The main topic in here is about 100% free ways to make money online from home and I intend to keep it like it is.

The new blog will completely be focused on the market analysis thru japanese cadlestick charting. The early stages of the blog will be more informative and will mostly talk about how to read japanese candlesticks and their patterns in the most simple manner possible. Then, after the educative portion of this blog life will be over, a more practical day-to-day analysis will be posted.

I do not have any expectations as of right now for this new blog coming soon. But there is personnal excitement to be able to discuss about this amazing and powerful analysis tool that are the japanese candlesticks.

Also this week I will upgrade my list of paying Paid To Click sites. A couple of payouts requests have been made last week, and for a couple of them, prooving themselves as paying programs.

Have a profitable week everyone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please tell me when its done..
Will you trade in mv?